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Weight Management Service
Suitability Assessed By Our Pharmacist During A Face To Face Pharmacy Appointment
For Patients With A BMI Over 30 Or BMI Over 27 With Certain Pre-existing Medical Conditions

Andrews Pharmacy Weight Management Service

Once weekly weight loss injections now available from our Kennedy Ave pharmacy.  It is not suitable for all patients and suitability is carefully assessed by our pharmacist via a face to face consultation.

What is the weekly weight loss injection?

This is a weight loss treatment that comes in the form of a weekly self-injectable pen.  It is a licensed medical treatment designed for overweight or obese individuals with a BMI of 30 and above or a BMI of 27 and above with certain pre-existing medical conditions 

We can prescribe this if it’s suitable for you, after completing the online pre-screening on Pharmadoctor and after being assessed via a face to face appointment with our pharmacist.

CLICK HERE to calculate your BMI  (body mass index).  BMI must be over 30 or over 27 with certain pre-existing medical conditions.

How does it work?

The active ingredient is called GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1).

This works on two different hormonal receptors: glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP). You may have heard of GLP-1 from other weight loss injections.

GLP-1 helps to regulate blood sugar levels, which in turn talks to the brain to make you feel less hungry and prevent cravings. It also slows down the emptying of the stomach to keep you feeling fuller for longer.

GIP regulates energy balance in brain and fat cells, enhancing the GLP-1 effect of suppressing your appetite and improving sugar control.

By mimicking the effects of both these naturally occurring hormones, these injections have been shown to have greater weight loss potential than medicines that work on GLP-1 alone.

How to use?

You inject under the skin (subcutaneously) in your stomach area, thigh or upper arm once a week using an injection pen.

Don’t worry, it’s actually much easier than it sounds and if we prescribe this for you, we’ll provide you with full instructions on how to use it.

You must follow a strict dosage increase schedule as advised by your healthcare provider.


To allow your body to get used to the medicine and have the best chance for long-term success, you should follow the gently increasing dosage schedule as instructed.  Usually, you’ll start with a initial starting dose, which will increase every four weeks (or as advised and if suitable for you) until you reach your maximum maintenance dose.

(CLICK HERE) for more information about the weight loss injection we can supply

To complete the pre-screening with Pharmadoctor and book an appointment with our pharmacist CLICK HERE

For more information about the weight management service email: Pharmacy.FH709@nhs.net or phone 01625 618481

What are the non-drug alternatives to Weight Loss?

Making healthy lifestyle changes, such as improving your diet and increasing activity, can help with weight loss and also help you to live a healthier, happier life.


(this includes a link to the NHS Weight Loss app which is an excellent resource for managing your diet and calorie intake)



Andrews Pharmacy
71 Kennedy Avenue
Macclesfield, Cheshire
SK10 3DE
Tytherington Pharmacy
2-3 Tytherington Shopping Centre 
Macclesfield, Cheshire
SK10 2HB
London Road Pharmacy
1, 157 London Rd
Macclesfield, Cheshire
SK11 7SP
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Andrews Pharmacy 

Need Vaccination or Travel Medicine Advice or to access our Private Services including weight loss treatment? Click Here

Are you over 40 and not currently receiving treatment for Blood Pressure?

We can check your Blood Pressure for free.

Want to book your Autumn Flu or Covid booster? Click Here

Please Note the Current NHS Covid Campaign ends 31/1/25

Want to discuss Contraception options or obtain a supply of your Contraceptive Pill?  Our pharmacist can provide this via the NHS Contraception Service.

Want to discuss our weight management service? Our pharmacist at Kennedy Ave branch can supply weight loss medication to suitable patients (click link above).

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